大馬娘惹糕點的詳細做法~香蘭打南紅豆雙層糕 Kuih Talam Pandan Red bean / Pandan Red bean double layer Kueh
2024-04-10     省電俠     1K     反饋

香蘭打南紅豆雙層糕 Kuih Talam Pandan Red bean / Pandan Red bean double layer Kueh 紅豆雙層糕是娘惹式馬來糕點。上層青色的帶椰奶咸香, 下層綠色的是帶甜, 口感帶Q彈。非常好吃!




75克 水磨粘米粉 50克 木薯粉 90克 白糖 250毫升 清水 200克 煮熟軟的紅豆 (取100克紅豆 +200毫升清水拌打成泥)

做法: 1. 先取100克熟紅豆與200毫升清水,拌打成泥 2. 將水磨粘米粉,木薯粉,白糖,紅豆泥,150克紅豆和清水混合均勻 3. 開最小火,粉煳煮成濃稠的粉漿後離火,倒入已塗油的磨具中,蒸20分鐘


65克 水磨粘米粉 15克 木薯粉 35克 砂糖 1/2茶匙 鹽 200毫升 香蘭汁(把210毫升清水+10片香蘭葉剪段攪拌至細膩,然後取出 200毫升香蘭汁) 200毫升 椰漿 **混合全部材料,過濾,煮至濃稠

4.把香蘭粉漿倒在已蒸熟的紅豆色層上,再以中火蒸25分鐘。 5.紅豆雙層糕蒸熟後,取出擱置一旁至完全冷卻(大約4小時左右)。 6.取出,用塑料刀切成小塊。

Kuih Talam Pandan Red bean / Pandan Red bean double layer Kueh

Red bean double layer cake is a Nyonya-style Malay pastry. The upper green layer is salty with coconut milk, while the lower green layer is sweet and has a chewy texture. Very tasty!

practice: First grease a 7x7-inch square baking pan with oil and lay a layer of parchment paper on it for easy release.

Ingredients for red bean layer (lower layer):

75g Blended rice flour 50g tapioca flour 90g white sugar 250ml water 200g cooked soft red beans (take out 100g red beans + 200ml water and blend into a puree)

practice: 1. First take 100 grams of cooked red beans and 200 ml of water, mix them into a puree 2. Mix Blended rice flour , tapioca flour, sugar, red bean paste, 100 grams of red beans and water evenly 3. Turn on the lowest heat, simmer the flour into a thick slurry, remove from the heat, pour into an oiled square tray, and steam for 20 minutes.

Pandan layer Ingredients (upper layer): 65g Blended rice flour 15g tapioca flour 35g sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 200 ml pandan juice (mix 210 ml water + 10 cut pandan leaves until smooth, then take out 200 ml pandan juice) 200ml coconut milk **Mix all ingredients, filter and cook until thick

4.Pour the pandan powder slurry onto the steamed red bean layer and steam over medium heat for 25 minutes. 5.After the red bean double layer cake is steamed, take it out and set it aside until it cools completely (about 4 hours). 6. Take out and cut into small pieces with a plastic knife.

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